Bilateral filter Bilateral filter

Bilateral filter

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2:16 AM

房價創天價 營建股價暗藏玄機..... 房價創天價 營建股價暗藏玄機.....

房價創天價 營建股價暗藏玄機 自由 更新日期:"2010/06/23 04:11" 據說東區一間三十年屋齡的公寓成交一坪八十萬元,這代表什麼意義?首先,買家有可能是錢太多,不知道怎麼花用,不如買下一間老舊公寓,創造話題也值得。反正老子(老娘)有錢,愛怎麼花,就...

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1:27 AM

Pet Shop Boys - Go West (Live O2) Pet Shop Boys - Go West (Live O2)

Thanks Anferne's info... and another favor one: Pet Shop Boys - Did You See Me Coming?

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9:37 AM

罪惡貪婪的人類, 無辜可憐的生態與鳥兒們..... 罪惡貪婪的人類, 無辜可憐的生態與鳥兒們.....

and more ....

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3:17 AM

Light Stage in Taiwan! Light Stage in Taiwan! here and here ....

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11:14 PM

Advanced Lighting, Rendering & Compositing Advanced Lighting, Rendering & Compositing

數位內容學院, 在職班新課Advanced Lighting, Rendering & Compositing Class outline: 課程內容包括燈光原則、控制、算圖、合成。透過分析好萊塢大製作電影實例,說明如何運用簡單而有效率的方法,在大量製作時維持美術風格一致...

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10:22 PM

Steve Wright's new book "Digital Compositing for Film and Video, Third Edition" Steve Wright's new book "Digital Compositing for Film and Video, Third Edition"

Steve Wright is a pro, his web and IMDB and the second edition !

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9:59 PM